
My Past Year or: Dear CIA and Your Agents;

By John Robles 


Коррупция, это болезнь, убивающая сердце государства, его народ! Коррупция отнимает надежду на справедливость и светлое будущее.


Федерально Суде О.А. Соболь

Кузьминский районный суд

г. Москвы


от:  Роблес Джон Энтони II,

г. Люберцы,  городок “Б”,

ул. 3 почтовое отделение, д. 55, 3 подъезд, кв. 147; 

 8 (965) 131-54-79      


Уважаемый Федерально Суде О.А. Соболь,


Мы очень просим, чтобы Вы проявили милосердие по отношению к не виновному Джону Энтони Роблес при вынесении приговора.

Джон находится в СИЗО уже 4 месяца и за это он очень резко изменился, он потерял веру в себя и надежду на будущее. Как его отец я бы сказал что он сломан.

Мой сын всегда был мягким, доброжелательным и умным мальчиком. У него было светлое будущее, он начал институт, работал, у него была невеста, которую он очень любил и он надеялся получить Российское гражданство. Так как он вырос здесь в России и я был государственным журналистом, я воспитывал Джона Русским патриотом и он даже хотел в армии служить добровольно или работать в органах безопасности.

В 2007 году я получил статус Беженца и Джон получил такой же вместе со мной, мы думали это временно и что через определённое время мы получим гражданство, но этого не случилось. Я не хочу жаловаться на Россию, но для нас и для Джона это было очень тяжело, он не смог учиться, он не смог устроиться на нормальную работу и ему постоянно угрожали.

В прошлом году когда я потерял работу в Голосе России, Джон из последних сил помогал мне выжить, так как он не смог как беженец устроить на нормальную работу, он был вынужден работать в любой места. В конечном счёте Джон потерял свою невесту и большинство его “друзей” были не совсем примернее гражданином и за это он не должен в терму тем более из за наркоман который уже более шесть раз был арестован который писал на Джон что мы читаем ложном заявление.

Мы знаем законы и живём честно, но есть человеческий фактор, и так как Джону грозить депортация и его жизнь уже сломана и наша семья тоже, мы очень просим Вас проявить милосердие при вынесении приговора.

У нас как доказательство слова свидетели и самому Джон что доказывать его невиновности и мы стараемся без адвокат и не знаем законе донести это до Вас но как нам говорит седловатый так как мы не Русский и мы ещё и беженцев некто нас не поверит и некто нас не поможет.

Сам факт что наркоман Лебедев, который уже арестовали 6 раз за наркотики и кажде раз кого то отдал, был арестован 6 Июля и потом мой сын 7 Июля после того что инспектор ему спросил если он знал Джон и предлагал Джон как вариант заменяя его свобода, говорят о серьёзно проблема и возникает вопрос про тех инспекторов который занималось Джонена задержание.

Ещё хочу добавит что такой организовано арест и подстава не совпадает с Европейский стандартам и нарушает Джонена человеческий права и под международное стандартам его права быть свободным и быть защищён от преследование так как он беженец.   

Мой сын человек и не объект для торг между полиция и их источники. Прошу справедливости.



С Уважением, 

семья Джона Роблеса

Letter about John


Dear World:

I sincerely wish you the best of the day and hope that you and your loved ones are well and safe. I also hope that you will read this piece through to the end as it may be the last thing that ever write and that you will never, ever have to go through what I have been through.

I am writing this out of desperation and with deep and utter shame but unfortunately I have been forced into doing so because my very existence and the existence of my family is at stake and I have found no relief through normal channels.

Every day for more than a year I wake up with all of these ideas for articles and posts and letters and things I can write and do to save my family and myself and every time I am paralyzed into inaction by the fear that those who are destroying us will become upset and do even worse things to us.

I have held the mistaken belief that somehow the people on whom my life depends can be placated and convinced in a reasonable way to stop trying to destroy us and to show us some basic human compassion or even elementary understanding, but this is not to be as these are not people that can be placated, they are not people who possess compassion and they are not people who can be reasoned with.

Finally they are not even people who can be convinced to follow the law. They believe they are the law (and in fact they are right) and that the law is subjective and as long as they are the ones in power then they are right. The law is for them to manipulate, do with as they please, make money and destroy people with.

Silence is not going to help but the quandary is how can I say what needs to be said in such a way that they cannot use it against me because that is what they will try to do. They will try to say that I am against Russia or that I am not a patriot of Russia but this is far from the truth and it has been thus for decades.

The question would be an easy one to deal with yet there is one problem and that is key, I have asylum in Russia and that is a very delicate and vulnerable state to be in and I am afraid what they will do to me but in the final I have decided that the truth must be said and the truth will be said. The truth is enough.

With Deep Respect,

John Robles

November 8, 2015



With the full and persistent knowledge that it may not matter to the world at large, what with the constant endless wars and mass deaths and suffering which has taken over the world since 9-11, and it does not even matter to my own neighbors, if in fact any of them are even aware of my existence, but I have been living in terror for years now watching as I am slowly and methodically destroyed and marginalized to the point where I will simply be eliminated in the near future if I allow it to continue.

I had hoped that attempting to live quietly, follow all of the rules and do the right thing would have made a difference but it has not. There are forces here that are beyond reasoning with and in fact are tasked with the goal of making sure that there is no positive outcome to my life as it has been here in the Russian Federation. These are forces subservient and in fact in the pay of the United States and the CIA. What they have mounted against me are covert efforts and in fact a psychological operation to destroy my life and force me to leave Russia. The effort began after the overt methods they attempted failed. 

I am now almost in my second decade of exile and in my 20th year of isolation, fear and marginalization. I have now been thrown into a quandary and faced with a predicament I do not want and never asked for having to now fight forces in my adopted country that are set on destroying me as they are loyal to the country I fled.

Given the current state of geopolitical affairs and the strained relations between the United States and Russia one would think that things would be the complete opposite for me here in Russia as I am a staunch Russian patriot and a supporter of President Putin but we are engaged in what is the greatest battle which has been waged by the United States in its drive for global hegemony as it projects and attempts to establish its power over Russia by force and all of the forces of the empire are being used against us and I am convinced I am specifically being covertly targeted.

As one who has worked to expose conspiracies by the US Government and the CIA and Western intelligence agencies

For those of you who are reading about me for the first time I would suggest you take a look at my site http://www.jar2.com/ and at a well written article on Veterans Today by Dr. Kevin Barret here: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/10/21/robles/  for a more detailed picture of the background of this story and for those who really want the whole truth there is a text bin with the names and the actually people and the events that happened at the Voice of Russia here http://pastebin.com/W3vynnBv .

What Happened

I have been and am being forced into writing this by the events that have taken place since the liquidation of the Voice of Russia and by the heartless and inhuman actions of certain officials who have callously led to and directly caused the destruction of my family.

I do not want to write this “article” because it may reflect badly on Russia and I have done everything within my power for decades to protect and advance Russia and Russian interests but I cannot sit quietly and watch while my son is treated like trash to be thrown away so that some Muscovite drug addict can continue to run around free in what I see as a clear attempt to get at me through my children.

I want to make it perfectly clear my fight is not against Russia or Russian interests but against Russians promoting American and Western interests and even those promoting a Zionist agenda and in the employee of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States of America. I am fighting people who would see Russia destroyed and brought to its knees and who are actively doing everything within their power to make Russia a failed state and overturn the democratically elected president Vladimir Putin.

Chronological Listing of Facts

US to Russia

For those who know nothing about me my families struggle began in 1992 after the birth of my son. My wife abandoned us either by her own will or because she was forced to and I was left with two babies to raise on my own. Then I was the victim of a fraud scheme being orchestrated by officials in the City of Woodland California who were literally defrauding the US Federal Government for millions of dollars.  

I attempted to fight those people and went to the highest level with the result being my house being burned down in Harrisburg Pennsylvania by the KKK, almost being beaten to death by 9 skin heads in York Pennsylvania and finally having all of my property and possessions seized in 1995 in San Francisco California when I was preparing to the leave the US.

Although all of the evidence I had was clear and simple and showed the guilt and the fraud of the officials in Woodland nothing ever happened to any of them and they continued to claim money in the names of my children even up until 2007. In total officials in Woodland California claimed over $640,000.00 in the names of my children. It did not matter that they were in Russia the whole time and in my direct physical and legal custody.

There was also the matter of a special engine that I had invented and wanted to develop in the Russian Federation and which at the time the Department of the Navy was interested in.

9-11 Truth and jar2.com

Since 2007 when I was told to close my site and the CIA Station Chief in Moscow Joseph Moone revoked my US passport effectively leaving me and my family stateless while telling me to close my site and claiming that I owed child support to the County of Yolo California for the same children I had raised in Russia since they were babies, I have lived as a refugee here in the Russian Federation.

Everything continued pretty much as normal as it had for about 12 years until my employer learned that I had obtained political asylum in Russia. I had tried to keep it as quiet as possible because I knew that their attitude towards me would change, however I had no idea just how big of a change there would actually be.

Soon after they found out my school where I had worked with little problem for 12 years was taken over by staff that had come in from Ukraine, that was in 2009. The lady that I had worked with also brought in some Ukrainian named Yura Solagub whom here daughter had met on a trip to New York that she had taken soon after she found out that I had asylum.

That ended with me losing my school and my materials, being locked out and being owed pay. I did take them to court and won and they still owe me over 800,000 rubles but they will never pay and the courts ignored their judgment and never went after them for one reason or the other. The Solagub also went around slandering me for several months and chasing me in his car. He even slandered me to my own lawyer causing the lawyer to cease defending me. What he said I can only guess.

My site contained material on 9-11, names of MI-6 agents and other material damaging to the US Government but none of which was not true there was nothing they could do legally or overtly to shut me down. Later in about 2012 it became clear that due to my hosting of material for the site cryptome.org and wikileaks.org I was placed on a CIA hit/watch list.      

Voice of Russia World Service

In 2009 I obtained employment at the Voice of Russia World Service in English. It was a dream job that I had never even dreamed of having. How I got the job I will not get into just to keep the US Government guessing but it was strange that the people who hired me died rather suddenly, one the next day and the other after several months, Yury Reshetnikov and Karl Watts respectively.

Although serving Russia and being a representative of the Russian World to the English speaking world and the international community and serving the Government of the Russian Federation in this capacity should have helped me in Russia everything went sideways when the US overturned the government of Ukraine and began a campaign to demonize me and get me expelled from Russia and returned to the US.

To make a long story short, and you can read about it in other locations in detail and on my site, I had to first deal with 2 attempts by the former ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul to get me thrown in a Russian prison and then deported after I exposed his plans to organize a color revolution in Russia on the airwaves and resources of the Voice of Russia and I had to deal with odious treatment by a 5th column and by people of the Jewish persuasion who seemed to make up almost all of the 196 people that worked in the English World Service.

According to the Chairman of the Voice of Russia my coming aboard and being allowed into their exclusive “Jewish club” had been taken up for a vote and I would not have been hired had not the chairman vetoed the vote among the almost exclusively Jewish members of the staff. There were those who did not want anyone with asylum to work at the Voice of Russia and there was a huge Jewish bias. Yes, someone with political asylum from the United States was not wanted by the staff of the Voice of Russia, even though it was supposed to be a pro-Russian patriotic organization. Unfortunately I learned why too late. I should have run from that place.

Now I guess I am obligated to say I am not anti-Semitic because no one is ever supposed to criticize Jews but the fact that all the staff were Jews and that it was the most horrible mess I had ever seen was 100% true. There were people there working as newsreaders who could not even speak English properly and my mission was to clean things up and raise the standard. The problem was I raised the standard too high and actually begun doing real journalistic work when everyone there was just repeating news, copying and pasting and doing the bare minimum.

For over 2 years there was a war inside the Voice of Russia and in short the body was destroyed from within. Conditions were horrible and all of us who were Russian patriots were being treated so bad that they hoped we would just leave but there were some of us who stayed to the end. I believed that the Russian patriots and those of us who were fighting for Russia while the 5th column was attempting to tow the US line would win the fight and it almost looked that way when the Voice of Russia was liquidated and we were merged into the Rossiya Sevodnaya News Agency but things only got worse.

Rossiya Sevodnya Sputnik

I was transferred to Sputnik as the only real native speaker there and someone who was working like 7 people I had expected decent treatment but in my last few months I was made to work a month without teeth and then someone from Marine Corps Intelligence (really) named Samuel McCulloch along with a Pollack named Anton Bespalov was brought in and all of my work was blocked from going on the air and from being published on the site.

This was after I uncovered the fact that the UK airline Vista Jet was engaged in conducting rendition flights for the CIA and the US Government. This was through my investigative work and interviews regarding the case of Roman Seleznyov, the son of the Russian MP who was renditioned, well literally kidnapped, from the Maldives by the US, and is now in an American prison.

This was also after some important work further uncovering the 9-11 conspiracy and the destruction of Ukraine and the installation of a junta government by the CIA, NATO and all of their associated allies and agents.

I believe it was either my work on Ukraine, VistaJet or Ukraine that led to my falling out but I am not sure. It could have been my very last interview with a source that had evidence that ISIL/IS/ISIS was being funded by the Central Intelligence Agency through a bank in Sweden. Whatever the case may be the people at Rossiya Sevodnya were dead set on getting rid of me and after first attempting to poison me in one of the offices of Dmitiry Kiselov's flunkies they then simply terminated my contract the day after I told them my wife had given birth to a baby girl.

I spent 3 months sitting at home trying to find a job and taking care of my daughter because my wife was clueless about children but then one day she just left after I had to borrow money to pay the rent.

My wife then took every penny I had plus what I borrowed plus money from son, took the baby and left me with nothing at all. Just ripped my daughter right out of my life and I have not been able to see her since.

I almost starved to death in the middle of the winter and then she and her family used all of their connections to try to destroy me completely and even get me sent out of Russia. Being as I was on a Right Sector and Ukrainian SBU hit list and the fact that the price on my head was at least 10K it is possible they were just trying to make some money. I am still in shock that people that I actually counted as and who actually were my “family” just sold me down the river.

The above is an answer to a complaint I filed with police asking for the return of the keys to the apartment (I had to change all of the locks) and for a return of the over 65,000 rubles that my now ex-wife and family literally stole from me. It was these police that informed me that my wife was planning to divorce me.

Not only did she leave without an explanation and take all of my money with here but I was informed by the police that she was going to divorce me. The officer Novikov who I spoke to on several occassions casually suggessted that I just forget my daughter forever and just pay support. He also said writers and journalists should not have children and suggested that I might be sent to some prison zone where I could sit and write articles and hatch plans for the government like some of the great minds in the past. Why the hell he was intimating that I should go to some prison when I was there complaining about people who had robbed me and taken away my daughter only now has bercome clear.

This is thanks to my ex wife and her mother Olga Dotsenko/Surikova. Yes afetr all the work I was doing exposing Ukranian nazis who hate Russia I find out my in-laws are also Ukrainian nazis who hate Russia. These epople who will kill  and destroy people just for a little bit of money or to advance their positions are something I never expected and did not believe my own "family" would do that.

Last Year In Brief     

Over the past year the efforts of the CIA and its agents and sympathizers here in Moscow have increased to the point where they are almost openly visible. After I was poisoned in the offices of Rossiya Sevodnya, an event which caused me to cough up blood for three days, I was terminated from my employment as a journalist for the Russian Government the day after I informed them that my wife had given birth to my daughter. This termination and the ensuing lawsuit against Rossiya Sevodnya and the corresponding blacklisting by those who fired me along with “information” passed to my wife led to my divorce and the destruction of my family. However this was not enough for those fighting to get me expelled from Russia.

There were attempts by an NGO (Russian Fund) supposedly working to help the people of Donbass where I found temporary employment, and which was headed by an American working for the State Department, to get me to leave the territory of Russia and cross the border into Ukraine. However those efforts failed.

In January there were several attempts by a person named Tony Holland who has claimed to be an agent for MI-6, the UK intelligence service, to discredit me with the Russian Government. He wrote several letters to the Russian Embassy in Australia and several letters to the Russian Government making wild unsubstantiated claims against me and my character.

Also in January or the later part of December there was a direct attempt by one Col. JH (Sergei) Westward who wrote a letter to the FSB claiming I was a 5th column that was working against Russia, a clear attempt to get me expelled from Russia.

Although the above were serious attempts they were not the only ones, because these attempts failed, so more measures had to be taken by the US and its agents here in Moscow to ensure that I cannot normalize my status. Although I cannot prove it my divorce was specifically finalized a couple of weeks before our three year anniversary so that I could not file for citizenship. This was very important because it showed the level of penetration of the US special services here in Moscow.

The courts and my ex-wife and her family have prevented me from seeing my newborn daughter which has further inflicted emotional harm and stress on me as a person. I have not been stripped of my parental rights there are just threats of physical violence against me if I attempt to see her. I have not seen my daughter now for almost a year.

In July my son, who was the only human contact I had and who was actually supporting me financially, was arrested on serious charges after he was set up in a police sting operation where he was asked to drive a friend to meet someone who turned out to be a known drug addict who had been arrested and had to “give someone up” to be let go. My son continues to be held and is looking at possibly eight years. I have not been allowed to see him. He is 100% innocent I am sure.

I did receive employment in January with school called Alibra but that was also problematic due to their close work with American Corporations and multi-nationals and their employment of “Orange” elements of the Russian population. I was scheduled in such a way that I had to spend immense time travelling, get up at 4 am and got home usually at about midnight, which was a huge stress. All of the travel time was not paid for and as a result my pay was almost nothing as I could only actually teach a couple hours a day. The rest of the time was travelling. My clients included Pfizer, Mead Johnson, Bristol Meyers, Parexel and other multi-nationals as well as very rich students who studied in the UK even including a neighbor of President Putin.

During my employment with Alibra the head of HR, Irina Sorokina, actively pressured me to allow them to release my personal information to “certain clients” this included information on my asylum and my status.

During my employment with Alibra there were also active attempts by Alpha Bank to get me to fill in forms for, and provide information to, the US Government. They actively blocked my pay on several occasions. This should have been scandalous but nothing became of it. They claimed that there was a Russian law that says I have to provide information to the US Government. There is no such law.

After my renunciation of US citizenship (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6IC9E6O4P0 ) at the Bike Show in Sevastopol Crimea I was let go by Alibra School where I worked after being humiliated for almost 45 minutes by one Irina Sorokina who accused me of thinking I was some Edward Snowden. How she could accuse me of “thinking” is beyond me. She insulted me up and down for having asylum in Russia and for my anti-US beliefs. She did not like my site apparently. My termination was her decision to not prolong my contract. I might add she admitted during the termination that I was a great teacher and there had been no complaints about my work.

Another interesting event occurred at Mead Johnson, a company destroying baby food and leaving the Russian market so as not help Russian children, when the Director of Accounting, a woman named Irina, made a big spectacle because I accidentally brushed her sleeve when I was explaining to her her homework task. She freaked out and attempted to say I had somehow assaulted her. It was incredible because it completely untrue but the attempt was clear to damage me with my employers, it stunk to high heaven of a complete and total set up. It was interesting because we were not allowed to talk about the situation in Ukraine at Mead Johnson and the British boss made it clear that I was there to make sure the Russians understood him because he was too lazy to learn Russian. 

During the year I was also added to the public data-bases of the Ukrainian SBU and the Right Sector as being an enemy of Ukraine and a complete and total traitor to America. This of course was a worrying development for me.   

Most of the events above and more are documented on my site and are part of the public record. I have attempted to solve all of these issues, divorce, visitation, my unfair termination from Rossiya Sevodnya, the permanent freeze on my application for citizenship, the arrest of my son and more through the legal and proper channels but have had no result whatsoever. 

During the past year I have also travelled to Podolsk on several occasions to find out about how to re-apply for Russian Citizenship. The result was that I was told that that even if I refiled the result would be the same as it would go to the same people.          

To culminate the past year I have to add the following: The dirtiest thing I have ever seen in my life happened today. I am in the process of prolonging my asylum document, without which I can not live at all and last week submitted my document for prolonging.

Today I went to get my documents at the agreed upon time and I was told to go into the bosses office. I was completely and totally shocked by what I was told and after everything you have just read you should be too, especially after my recent statements and posts in support of the Russian operation in Syria and public renunciations and appearances on Russian Channel 1.

It may be a lie as I was not allowed to see the papers but I was informed that a court in Timiryazevskaya (where certain people from Alibra live) had determined that I be forbidden from entry into the Russian Federation. Apparently in the past 3 years I have had administrative violations of the law on more than 3 occasions, meaning a parking ticket and two for minimal speeding (less than 10 kilometer’s over the limit).

Since during the past year I have not had any traffic violations at or anything whatsoever this is extremely odd to say the least and completely unbelievable. It is also odd that Timiryazevskaya is involved because I do not enter that area at all. It is also odd because the fact that some has traffic violations is not a reason to lose asylum and it is sure not a reason to be deported or expelled. 

In the words of the agent who informed me of this all of the decisions and the working of FMS are “subjective. Everything they do and the decisions they make are made on a case by case and individual basis therefore, and it is for this reason that the law does not apply. They can basically do whatever they like and my life and safety depend on them.

I am completely vulnerable and do not have any rights and can not live a normal life. I love Russia and want to live free of fear and free of pressure to pay bribes or other things from anyone who decides they want to use the fact that I have asylum to pressure me or terrorize me. In order to live a normal life I need a normal document and citizenship, namely a passport.

I have written to President Putin many times, have officially already filed all of the documents with FMS for citizenship (almost 6 years ago) but there has been no result. No refusal and no assistance. According to the agent the bosses just do not care about me and my family.

I ask you to help in anyway you can to publicize my case and help me to get Russian citizenship. I have lived in Russia almost 20 years, I was actually the Voice of Russia and a key figure in the English World Service and I have lived as a refugee for 8 years in Russia. I filed for citizenship almost 6 years ago. Please help. I love Russia and I am a Russian patriot. All I want is to live in peace.


That was the letter I was going to publish not long ago,   but things have gotten even worse. They have my son and will be sending him to a prison colony for a crime he did not commit. I maintain that after all of the attacks on me and the failure of all of them to achieve their goal, the people here in Russia who are after me at the behest of the United States, decided to go after my son, the same way they went after the son of Seleznyov and Yanukovich and others.

My son also has or had asylum but he has enjoyed none of the protections that we thought he had and there has been no one in the international community who has had the will or is abler to help him. MY son and my family are all Russian patriots and have suffered greatly since the Ukraine Operation was launched and the United States began their campaign to destroy the Russian Federation and the Russian world.

I do not believe in coincidence and being as I have been a pain in the ass for the United States and the Central Intelligence Agency and have worked exposing 9-11 and many of the other illegal operations and crimes of the United States of America, the Neo Cons and all of their lawless agents, mass murderers and allies, it is not surprising that they stripped me of my citizenship and have attempted to get me expelled from Russia. But it is only an animal that would order there the setting of children to get the father and that I believe is what happened.

Employees from the US Embassy in Moscow did in fact go out to see my son but they were not interested in helping him and he is fact refused. They were interested in one thing though. They wanted information about me.


In the past year 7 agents/officers of the United States and/or the United Kingdom have overtly made attempts to have me expelled from Russia or to obtain personal information about me. This came after the attempts by Michael McFaul failed. In my opinion to try to say there is not a conspiracy here is to say that that the sky is not blue.

Since I renounced my US citizenship and received asylum I became a free target for the CIA and they continue to work covertly to try to get me into their hands. This is not paranoia but a fact for which I have clear evidence. If I continue to be forced into a corner I will publish the password to my insurance files and in those files there are hundreds of names and those people are all part of a criminal conspiracy.

We are Russian patriots fighting for Russia and against US interests and agents. All of this should not be happening to us. I can not get a job, my son has no lawyer, I can not see my daughter and I am slowly starving to death. Is that right? Is that what should happen to someone fighting to get the truth out?

Please help us by getting this out and if there is anyone from an international organization that can help us please help us. Under international law we are refugees and should be afforded certain protections.